So Behind

Well it's been a really long time since I've written.

I had my sweet little boy on July 14, 2011 at 5:45pm. He was 3 weeks early. He weighed 5lbs and was 18.5in long. We named him Jason Blaine Denton.

I love my tiny guy.

He is now a little over 3 months old and has fattened up quite a bit.

I have been battling postpartum depression since shortly after having him and have been struggling to not cry all day every day. I am starting to get a little better with the help of medicine. I still have my bad times, but i have a few breaks from crying now too.
I have already started back to work and got a big surprise when i got back. I am teaching a class i had never taught before and wasn't aware I would be teaching, but now i will be using all of my certifications for the classes i'm teaching :)
This time 6 years ago I was going into the hospital for the 3rd time to have my little princess and they finally let me stay. She was born at 2:08pm on November 3, 2005.
She is now a kindergartner. I can not believe how fast time has gone by. She has already lost two teeth. She'll be driving before I know it :(
So long for now hopefully I'll be back really soon with some new posts maybe craft projects or food :)


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