News from my life

So I've been talking to the most amazing guy for a couple of days now. He is the brother of my cousin's fiancé, and she decided that we might be good for each other....and so far i think she's right.

We texted back and forth Tuesday night for abo
ut 9 hours....and it was amazing....he seems perfect....I have never clicked so well with someone in my life.

It's wonderful to be able to talk to someone like i can talk to him. He makes me smile just talking to him or thinking about him.

I feel good when i'm talking to him or texting him
or when I'm with him. It's a new feeling, but I like it a lot.

It's so easy to be with him...i don't have to work at anything....i feel like I can say anything to him and I like that.

Wednesday night I went over to his house and he made me spaghetti and garlic bread and strawberry cake and bought me beautiful flowers (pictured below) and we just sat around talking for about 9 hours and it was just amazing. :)
Today we've been texting back and forth and except for the fact that my phone service was being stupid and not sending my texts to him when I sent them (some took hours to go through) grrrrrr.

It's now 4 am and we're talking on the phone and laughing it's so much fun!!! Ok I am going to wrap this up now and get back to giving him my full attention. :)


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